Okay, I see now why I thought that CD was full of Egyptian music:
Totally Egyptian |
Seriously though, my mom got this pirated CD in Mexico sometime in the late nineties, and there are some serious spelling errors on it. Meat Lofft? Green Slaves? (Meat Loaf and Greensleeves. lol) And the art on it is a seriously bad photoshop job. You gotta give us Mexicans credit though. They could have left the whole thing blank and just sharpied the song names in. (I seriously said serious to many times in this paragraph. Seriously.)
The days are starting to cool down, and I'm kind of happy about it. It means layers, and scarves and boots and stuff. :D Oooh, and hot chocolate.
Heehee. I slept with socks on last night, something I don't usually like to do.
Eh, I'm off to work out. It'd be nice to have some muscle, you know? Also, Paulina has been teaching me how to bellydance, I'm off to practice. ;P
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