So... what's happened? Hm, I did my laundry! Yeah, nothing's happened. Except I watched The Prince of Egypt yesterday, and I realized that I really want to be an Egyptologist. Or an archaeologist. That would be incredible. :D
I really want some adventure in my life. Egyptology seems perfect for me because it's something I've always loved since I was young. I remember this one pop-up book on mummification I had. I would write "reasearch papers" on it (basically copying down all of the text of the book). It was so fun. Also, I loved playing out The Mummy (the movie, you know, with Brendan Fraser) with my barbies. My childhood friend Kaitlin might remember this. I would play my mom's new age CD and would pretend it was ancient Egyptian music. (I realize now that most of the songs were in Latin and some in French.)
There was something magical about that CD though:
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
I've been feeling lethargic today.
I got the last book of the Leviathan series (Goliath) from Amazon and it arrived last night. Of course, I read it all at once. Good ending, man.

Anyway. My stomach is still in annoyingly delicate condition. At least I'm not too nauseated anymore.
I really want to write, but I am a little blocked. Ugh. I guess for now I'll just read and start drawing the picture for my niece Andrea. Even though I seriously don't know what to draw for her. *.*
I... just realized how many books I have in my bookcase that I have not read. I'll have to get right on that.
Anyway. My stomach is still in annoyingly delicate condition. At least I'm not too nauseated anymore.
I really want to write, but I am a little blocked. Ugh. I guess for now I'll just read and start drawing the picture for my niece Andrea. Even though I seriously don't know what to draw for her. *.*
I... just realized how many books I have in my bookcase that I have not read. I'll have to get right on that.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I think I used to be a.. a hipster. *dies of shame*
Man, I've just been looking at my old 2010 posts on this blog. I am embarrassed to see how much I was trying to be cool. I'd delete them, but they serve as a good reminder of how much I've changed for the better. I am definitely more comfortable in my skin now.
May as well read Harry Potter now
I'm sick. D: I'm nauseated and my stomach is grumbling painfully. I was close to puking a while ago, but I have it under control now, thankfully. It must be something I ate. Probably those goddamn strawberries. Except Paulina and my mom ate some too and they're okay.
Didn't even go to fucking school today. Stupid art project that I stayed up all night to finish. >:( *grumbles angrily*
I shouldn't have had that burger for lunch. Uuuugh.
Didn't even go to fucking school today. Stupid art project that I stayed up all night to finish. >:( *grumbles angrily*
I shouldn't have had that burger for lunch. Uuuugh.
School Stuff,
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I can't really think of a title for this. :/
There are times when my need for independence is so great I don't know what to do with myself. It comes at me like a slap in the face. I need to be out on my own and live my life. I can't have my parents with me forever. I feel so sheltered and babied and stupid.
It came at me today. I was just there, sitting at the table with my mom and dad. I'm not sure what triggered it, but I suddenly thought, damn, I need to move out, I can't effing stand it here. I feel a bit guilty for thinking that. I have very supportive parents. They're not strict, but they're not apathetic, either. They're pretty much the best parents ever. But I still want to be out on my own.
There's the obvious problem: Lack of money and job. It all boils down to my fear of unknown. I'm such a fucking coward when it comes to finding a job. Maybe I can start out volunteering or something. I don't know.
It's times like these when I feel like a shit excuse for a person and want to just cry and sleep. Unfortunately I still haven't finished the damn art project due tomorrow, so I'm going to have to do that now and possibly all through the night.
It came at me today. I was just there, sitting at the table with my mom and dad. I'm not sure what triggered it, but I suddenly thought, damn, I need to move out, I can't effing stand it here. I feel a bit guilty for thinking that. I have very supportive parents. They're not strict, but they're not apathetic, either. They're pretty much the best parents ever. But I still want to be out on my own.
There's the obvious problem: Lack of money and job. It all boils down to my fear of unknown. I'm such a fucking coward when it comes to finding a job. Maybe I can start out volunteering or something. I don't know.
It's times like these when I feel like a shit excuse for a person and want to just cry and sleep. Unfortunately I still haven't finished the damn art project due tomorrow, so I'm going to have to do that now and possibly all through the night.
Cool story, bro.
I'm supposed to be doing my homework, but I'm drawing a kissy kissy Ron and Hermione instead. *u*
Short update, nut I haven't done anything today.
I'm craving In-n-Out.
Short update, nut I haven't done anything today.
I'm craving In-n-Out.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Wearing my very cool Doctor Who shirt. :D
Whoo. Getting back into a productive routine is weird after being shut up in my room reading for almost three days straight. I looked out the window and hissed at the morning. Heh, well, I'm painting now, so, no long-term harm done. ;)
Lol at my mom, though. She signed up for one of those fake-ass get rich quick things you see advertised all over the internet. I told her it was probably fake, and she had to call this number to cancel her account. My mom doesn't think it's funny, but I think it's hilarious.
My mom had the idea to tutor kids who needed extra help with math and stuff a while back, and I told her that she should get started by signing up for a tutoring agency online and advertising, and she did! :)
Listening to this while I work:
Also, no surprise that Peter Dinklage won an Emmy. He's awesome.
Lol at my mom, though. She signed up for one of those fake-ass get rich quick things you see advertised all over the internet. I told her it was probably fake, and she had to call this number to cancel her account. My mom doesn't think it's funny, but I think it's hilarious.
My mom had the idea to tutor kids who needed extra help with math and stuff a while back, and I told her that she should get started by signing up for a tutoring agency online and advertising, and she did! :)
Listening to this while I work:
Also, no surprise that Peter Dinklage won an Emmy. He's awesome.
Me myself and I,
Movies and TV,
My Art,
Shiny Internet
Sunday, September 18, 2011
I'm watching To Catch a Predator. My god these guys are so gross.
Didn't get through the entire HP series this weekend. I just finished the fourth book. Hm. I'll have to take the last three a bit slower, 'cause I have work to do this week. Hurm, reading them makes me want to write a fan fic so bad. I will write.
Also!!! I might be going to Orlando soon to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and other theme parks (DisneyWorld and such). It's not certain, but it's a definite probability. :D I might have to miss a couple of days of school, but that's just a bonus!
Ugh. I'm still watching To Catch a Predator, and one of those slimeballs brought his toddler with him to the house. My god, those guys are seriously going to a special hell. >:(
Also!!! I might be going to Orlando soon to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and other theme parks (DisneyWorld and such). It's not certain, but it's a definite probability. :D I might have to miss a couple of days of school, but that's just a bonus!
Ugh. I'm still watching To Catch a Predator, and one of those slimeballs brought his toddler with him to the house. My god, those guys are seriously going to a special hell. >:(
Fan Fiction,
Movies and TV,
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I tried to draw Simba from the Lion King. LOL NEIN. Animals are hard to draw.
DMV tomorrow. Cannot effing wait. Man I hate that place. And the people who work there. They're all perpetually grumpy. N'aime pas.
Anyway, I said in a previous post that I wanted to read the entire Harry Potter series (for like the seventh or eighth time, no joke) in one sleepless weekend. Well, I am going to make it happen! Tomorrow is Day One of Harry Potter Madness (after the DMV obviously). Yay! I have no life and I know it. No need to point it out. :D
Hey, I'll probably get tons of ideas for a fan fiction! Oho, more proof I have no life! So many exclamation marks!!!!!!!
Going to sleep now on account that I'm waking up at seven tomorrow. -__-
Anyway, I said in a previous post that I wanted to read the entire Harry Potter series (for like the seventh or eighth time, no joke) in one sleepless weekend. Well, I am going to make it happen! Tomorrow is Day One of Harry Potter Madness (after the DMV obviously). Yay! I have no life and I know it. No need to point it out. :D
Hey, I'll probably get tons of ideas for a fan fiction! Oho, more proof I have no life! So many exclamation marks!!!!!!!
Going to sleep now on account that I'm waking up at seven tomorrow. -__-
Fan Fiction,
God damn driver's license,
Me myself and I,
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Changed the theme! Brown is soothing, methinks.
Nyeh nyeh nyeh. I don't know what to say. I didn't do much today. Worked out in the morn. Treadmill and then ab blaster from fit tv. Something like that. Then I watched a couple of episodes of Lost while I worked on one of my school projects. I'm now going to paint a little angel for my grandma. I hope she likes it. :D I talked with some people in my art class about videogames and stuff, and I feel like a complete noob compared to them. I am a noob. :P
And. Yeah. It seems like all my post end like this nowadays.
And. Yeah. It seems like all my post end like this nowadays.
Movies and TV,
My Art,
School Stuff
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Ciiiiiircle of liiife!!
Cleaned the shit out of my room today. EES CLEEN NAO.
Am now doing some art homework. And watching Lion King. God damn I love that movie, I haven't seen it in years. *.*
Err, short post. Toodaloo Muthafuckas!!!
Am now doing some art homework. And watching Lion King. God damn I love that movie, I haven't seen it in years. *.*
Err, short post. Toodaloo Muthafuckas!!!
Monday, September 12, 2011
I wonder what I would see if a dementor sucked up my happiness. I guess I already know. *Shifty eyes*
I've been watching all of the Harry Potter movies recently. I'm on Prisoner of Azkaban. Oh, and I've also signed up on Fictionpress and Hopefully it'll inspire me to write some stories. Original or otherwise.
Also, I want to read the Harry Potter books. Preferably over one sleepless weekend. Sounds like bliss.
Ugh. I'm going to have to get my permit again before I go take my driver's license. Boo, going to do that on Friday. In the meantime, I'm gonna study for it.
Hehe, I'm not on this movie yet, but these are hilarious:
Also, I want to read the Harry Potter books. Preferably over one sleepless weekend. Sounds like bliss.
Ugh. I'm going to have to get my permit again before I go take my driver's license. Boo, going to do that on Friday. In the meantime, I'm gonna study for it.
Hehe, I'm not on this movie yet, but these are hilarious:
LOL Lauren Cooper! |
Movies and TV,
My Inspirations,
Shiny Internet
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Hyeeah SNL. Sleep deprivation makes me weird.
Speaking of hot guys, Bill Hader. Yeah, funny guys are the hottest. I want to have his children. *creeper grin* I'm pretty sure he already has kids, but whatevs.
I love it when he breaks into laughter while playing Stefon.
I love it when he breaks into laughter while playing Stefon.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Lame blackout.
Yay, I survived the blackout. Yeah. It was actually really disappointing, I was hoping to have an interesting survival/adventure story of how we survived several days without electricity, but no. The SDG&E people exaggerated this blackout. We spent maybe nine hours without electricity, which was nothing.
However, I'm very proud to say that the moment the power went out, I sprang into survival mode. Step one, find the man-powered radio and tune in to the news. After I hear that it'll be a while before the electricity will come back, I move on to step two: Find all flashlights and put them in reaching distance, also gather some candles and matches.
Optional is step three (which I did, I wasn't panicking or anything, but I rather be safe than sorry): Gather all emergency survival bags and first aid kits and put them somewhere you can get quickly. Call me stupid and paranoid, but how the hell was I supposed to know this wasn't a terrorist attack or something? Or maybe in a terrible twist of fate, a huge earthquake struck right then in the middle of our blackout? San Diego has a few fault lines, after all.
Hehe, I feel dumb now, but people will be thanking me once the zombie apocalypse comes down on us. I don't plan on dying, you know. :P
Anyway, yesterday was Paulina's friend Juliette's quinceaƱera, and I danced until my feet got blisters. It was awesome. I straightened my hair for it, and it is now slightly past my waist. Yay!
However, I'm very proud to say that the moment the power went out, I sprang into survival mode. Step one, find the man-powered radio and tune in to the news. After I hear that it'll be a while before the electricity will come back, I move on to step two: Find all flashlights and put them in reaching distance, also gather some candles and matches.
Optional is step three (which I did, I wasn't panicking or anything, but I rather be safe than sorry): Gather all emergency survival bags and first aid kits and put them somewhere you can get quickly. Call me stupid and paranoid, but how the hell was I supposed to know this wasn't a terrorist attack or something? Or maybe in a terrible twist of fate, a huge earthquake struck right then in the middle of our blackout? San Diego has a few fault lines, after all.
Hehe, I feel dumb now, but people will be thanking me once the zombie apocalypse comes down on us. I don't plan on dying, you know. :P
Anyway, yesterday was Paulina's friend Juliette's quinceaƱera, and I danced until my feet got blisters. It was awesome. I straightened my hair for it, and it is now slightly past my waist. Yay!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
I saw a shooting star or a comet the other day. It was seriously the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen in my life.
Hurur hur, I just watched Narnia: The Dawn Treader. I know I've said this various times before, but HOT DAMN BEN BARNES!!! And now with a sexy beard. *melts into a puddle of mush*
Vaguely wondering where his fake Spanish-sounding accent went, but then I realize I like his normal accent better.
Hm, I'm not really that obsessed with him or anything, it's just that he's handsome. It's not like the annoying fangirls of the world and their obsession with Justin Bieber. Why him? I don't even get it.
Still, though. I want a Prince Caspian in my life, if you catch my drift.
... My frickin god, I'm going to sleep now.
Vaguely wondering where his fake Spanish-sounding accent went, but then I realize I like his normal accent better.
Hm, I'm not really that obsessed with him or anything, it's just that he's handsome. It's not like the annoying fangirls of the world and their obsession with Justin Bieber. Why him? I don't even get it.
Still, though. I want a Prince Caspian in my life, if you catch my drift.
... My frickin god, I'm going to sleep now.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
I like turtles.
I'd like to get back in the habit of writing on this blog again. I still think Livejournal is cooler, but I already have so many posts here, so yeah.
Well, I've been seriously fleshing out my Estradia novel. I've started writing again, and I've been drawing the characters. Here's a sneaky peek (I also did character profiles on them, very long ones that I don't feel like posting here, but they're in the description of the drawings):
This one is the crappy one I did at four in the morning:
Zeline Tammen by ~Dannygirl123 on deviantART
And this one is better:
Rodan Evardos by ~Dannygirl123 on deviantART
I'm also working on something for my sister's best friend's 15th birthday. (I guess she's my friend too, haha, but it's more accurate to say my sister's friend.) Huh, that's weird. My sister and her friends are 15 fucking years old. For a moment there, I felt old. Is that sad?
I'm still reading Interview with a Vampire. I'm not sure if I like it yet, even though I'm halfway through the book. Heh, I guess I don't like it much, which is strange, since I loved the movie. Usually books are better. Next on my reading agenda is Kitty and the Midnight Hour, which seems like a very cool book.
Well, I've been seriously fleshing out my Estradia novel. I've started writing again, and I've been drawing the characters. Here's a sneaky peek (I also did character profiles on them, very long ones that I don't feel like posting here, but they're in the description of the drawings):
This one is the crappy one I did at four in the morning:
Zeline Tammen by ~Dannygirl123 on deviantART
And this one is better:
Rodan Evardos by ~Dannygirl123 on deviantART
I'm also working on something for my sister's best friend's 15th birthday. (I guess she's my friend too, haha, but it's more accurate to say my sister's friend.) Huh, that's weird. My sister and her friends are 15 fucking years old. For a moment there, I felt old. Is that sad?
I'm still reading Interview with a Vampire. I'm not sure if I like it yet, even though I'm halfway through the book. Heh, I guess I don't like it much, which is strange, since I loved the movie. Usually books are better. Next on my reading agenda is Kitty and the Midnight Hour, which seems like a very cool book.
My Art,
what I'm reading,
Monday, September 5, 2011
Boring post is boring.
LOL didn't win the contest, oh well. Still working on art. Wow, that's a stupid, redundant update. I'm always working on art. Anyway. Yeah. I literally have nothing to say. Why is my life so painfully boring?
Friday, September 2, 2011
I'm kinda hungry.
Yay! Game of Thrones is on On Demand again! I shall watch it all bwahaha. I saw a guy at school that had a House Lannister shirt. I'm more of a Stark person myself, but whatever floats your boat.
Lots of art things and stuff. The DarlingMionette twin contest has closed and the winner will be announced on Monday! D: I cannot wait that long. Working working working on art until then.
I just did this:
Franny and Penelo by ~Dannygirl123 on deviantART
I haven't been writing on this thing too much anymore. I dunno.
Lots of art things and stuff. The DarlingMionette twin contest has closed and the winner will be announced on Monday! D: I cannot wait that long. Working working working on art until then.
I just did this:
Franny and Penelo by ~Dannygirl123 on deviantART
I haven't been writing on this thing too much anymore. I dunno.
Me myself and I,
Movies and TV,
My Art
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